Proposition B
Proposition B will enhance transportation funding through the RMA with a $10 increase in vehicle registration fee for those vehicles subject to the road and bridge fee. This will ensure local residents have a direct seat at the table for state and federal transportation funding decisions. The RMA Board is made up of local residents that have lived in and worked on Brazos County transportation issues impacting our quality of life for years. The RMA works in close collaboration with TxDOT, City of Bryan, City of College Station, and Brazos County.
Proposition B states “Shall the Commissioners Court of Brazos County, Texas, be authorized to impose an additional vehicle registration fee on motor vehicles subject to the Road and Bridge Fee in an amount not to exceed $10.00 for the purposes of funding transportation projects in the County identified by the Brazos County Regional Mobility Authority in accordance with Section 502.402 of the Texas Transportation Code?”
The RMA has received letters from local partners expressing their support of the RMA and Proposition B.
- Brazos County
- Brazos Valley Economic Development Corporation
- Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce
- City of College Station
2022 and Beyond
In November 2022, the RMA will be asking Brazos County voters to approve a $10 increase in the vehicle registration fee to support RMA activities. This document outlines the philosophy that the RMA will follow and the specific tasks that the RMA will undertake, should voters approve the increase in the county vehicle registration fee.
Moving Forward: 2022 and Beyond
87th Legislative Session
The 87th Legislative Session opened on January 12, 2021. The Texas economy has felt the impacts of the Coronavirus which made it tough on elected officials in 2021. Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar expected Texas to face a $4.6 billion deficit by the end of the current two-year budget cycle. The lack of funding forced political officials to think outside the box in areas such as financing infrastructure improvements, among others.
House Bill 1698, relating to authorizing an optional county fee on vehicle registration in certain counties to be used for transportation projects, was introduced to the Legislature on February 9, 2021. With strong support from Representatives Raney and Kacal and Senator Schwertner, the bill was passed by the House on May 4, 2021, and passed by the Senate on May 28, 2021. This legislation gives Brazos County the authority to have a referendum on establishing a $10 vehicle registration fee. The House concurred with the Senate amendments and the bill was sent to the Governor on May 31, 2021, and was considered law on June 14, 2021. Effective September 1, 2021, the law allows Brazos County to hold an election and let the voters decide if a $10 increase is warranted. Those funds would be collected by Brazos County and transferred to the RMA. In Brazos County, such a fee would generate about $1.5 million a year.
For more information regarding House Bill 1698, please visit Texas Legislature Online.